Connect with people, Build trust

Get paid for your time and insights

Help people via 1-1 live sessions for their quick questions

We ensure there is a valid payment method and you get paid for every minute

Short sessions

With per-minute billing make a difference, one minute at a time

You set your per minute rate. A minimum of 5 minutes will be charged regardless of session duration. After that, sessions can be as long as required, and you'll be paid for every minute.

Build trust

Connect first, evaluate if you can help, and only then start a paid session.

We prioritize human connection and trust. You will have the opportunity to have a brief intro and understand their questions. Both parties must agree to start billing for the session. If you can’t help, you can end the session without charge.

Fits your schedule

Define your office hours. Help others and generate income when it works for you.

All you need is a web-enabled device with a camera and microphone. You will receive notifications when someone wants to connect. You can accept or decline based on your availability. You can also set your status to “away” if you need a break.

Get started today

Create your coach profile, start making a difference and getting paid for your time.

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